Monday, April 15, 2013

2013 Christopher Award for Morris Lessmore

William Joyce is honored to receive a Christopher Award for The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore in the "Books for Young People" category. Since 1949, the Christopher Awards have annually saluted media (TV programming, feature films, books for adults and children) that “affirm the highest values of the human spirit.” 

Tony Rossi, The Christophers’ Director of Communications, says, “The creative forces behind the projects we’re honoring are improving our culture by telling stories that awaken hope instead of despair, acknowledge the necessity of sacrifice in the service of a greater good, and light a candle rather than curse the darkness.”

It's an honor for our team to share Mr. Morris Lessmore's story and to share the life-changing and enduring power of stories with the the world. William Joyce previously received a Christopher Award for his illustrations in Humphrey's Bear in 1987.

Find out more about the Christopher Awards and other winners on their website.